30" x 40" Oil
Still in the mood to paint in oil; maybe it's the fall weather. This is a first stage monochromatic block in, done right on the toned canvas. One of the benefits of oil is that I can make as many rub-outs and alterations as I want. Do-over heaven, which is good because the head is too big, and there's some odd stuff happening at her back. I can continue to refine shapes and sizes of things all through the next stage, the local color block-in, which will happen after this has had a chance to dry a bit. Might be a demo for the Studio Crawl.
Couple of content issues: what's outside the window, and what's that stuff in the lower left corner? A car stuck in snow and a bouquet of calla lilies, but I really don't want to be messing with this kind of stuff, so I think all that may disappear in favor of vague and indistinct shapes. I have to keep reminding myself that this is NOT a portrait, and I need to let go of my photo references.
I am having fun thinking up titles, though: Waiting, Stood Up and Sitting Down, All About the Dress, Second Thoughts. Taking suggestions.....