Saturday, August 1, 2009

Study for Going To Town

7 x 9" watercolor

This is my first attempt back at painting since I don't know when, and it is a dismal affair. Putzy, self-indulgent and random choices. There are so many changes I'd make were this to become a real painting it's hard to know where to start. Way too much screwing around in the outfits and the background. Can't even remember the point of wanting to do this, so maybe that tells me something. In order to try to remember how I used to paint a watercolor, I watched a bit of video of my personal hero, Charles Reid. Ah, now I recall -- not so much contrasty edges or values, let the "blur" out and about, don't overdo a focal point, etc. etc. I should watch it about 10 more times before I pick up a brush again.....

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